The Shan state in the central-western part of the country is dominated by the rolling hills and mountains of the Shan Highland (Shan Plateau). In central Myanmar are the irrigated fields of the dry zone of the Ayeyawady River (Irrawaddy), and in the far north are the snow-capped mountains with flora and fauna of the Himalayas. The Chin Hills-Arakanto mountains (also known as the Rakhine Mountains) in the west are covered by mountain forests and form a natural border with India. The densely populated fertile Irrawaddy Delta in the central south was the country's breadbasket nearly 60 percent of its total rice crop came from the river delta. There are the coastal areas with tropical evergreen forests with Malay fauna and flora along the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea in the south. Myanmar is gifted with great biogeophysical diversity. Laykyun Sekkya is a colossal statue representing a standing Buddha, 116 m high, with 31 floors and an elevator inside. The Laykyun Sekkya Buddha, known as the Giant Buddha, in the Maha Bodhi Tahtaung region, near Monywa (Sagaing Region).